
Three Points

Take it as you might wish to do
That there should be a future too
With a world unsure in where to go
You may think you’re the same low

But it’s that you think you don’t know
Whether to leave as it is and not show
You know your wish to be on this side
Been present in a nice comfortable ride

And know you will face challenging times
With big doubts about if it’s worth the rhymes
It feels an ultimate decision of making moves
Though it’s not, it’s more bust a groove

You have your urges, desires and feels
It’s there when you’re in it, for reals!
So pick up yourself and move on it
Don’t just expect it to come if you sit

There’s things you want to do over here
The side that makes you happy like beer
But you’re not drunk on a depressant drink
It’s a passion that will ensure you won’t sink

There’s three points to follow with need
One should be that you have your seed
It’s the source that says why you do that
To move you forward on your special mat
You will stay flexible but focused forward
Development then shall remain ordered

Growth is what happens in this next step
Keep yourself learning to maintain your rep
A rep which shows your desire to be more
The better You each day will ensure
Don’t stop to do what you must learn
Taking your patience with you to earn

The third and final action is this
You may not know what will bring bliss
That step to move forward into flow
Creating times that purpose will show
But if you do not keep trying to succeed
Then surely your negative life will lead

It’s to never give up on leading a good path
‘Else to face the unwaivering sinking wrath
Once you say to yourself that you should fail
On your boat you shall soon learn to sail

With a why, with growth and a persistence mind
Finding yourself will develop in kind
Fog will dissipate as you continue to surge
Whilst your purpose, destiny and fate begin to merge.

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