Take a break from being so hard on yourself. Remember that everything you do, it’s something that you get to do.

Explore Life
Just some thoughts I was thinking whilst on the plane. Feel free to leave your thoughts and interpretations in the comments! You need to go find yourself. You need your journeys alone. To explore. To spend time with yourself. But you need a base. You need to settle yourself, ground yourself. You need to have …
Over time I’ve constantly sought new goals, trying new things and rarely succeeding in any of them. It’s the expectation that if you want something bad enough, you’ll get it in an instant. Though that’s not the case. They say if you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way. Otherwise, you’ll find an excuse …
Spanish class reflection will not be about reviewing how the class was taught or if it necessarily improved my ability in Spanish. This article is about what else I learnt about how to learn and what it made me realise about life tasks in general. There are so many ways to learn something, from immersion …